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Learn more & support
YM Careers powers over 3,000 association career centers and is trusted by three times as many associations as any other provider of job boards. By offering beneficial member benefits and career tools, YM Careers may engage current members, bring in new ones, and create income outside dues. While members are connected with employment through YM Careers, supported by committed customer service and the sector’s most significant recruitment advertising sales and marketing teams, associations enjoy an average gain of 35% in job board revenue.
To attract new users, YM Careers makes use of several third-party application integrations. YM Careers is a component of the Community Brands association software suite, a comprehensive collection of tools that assist member-based organizations in boosting revenue, enhancing efficiency, and engaging members digitally.
- Application Management
- Resume Posting
- Billing & Invoicing
- Discount Management
- Job Management
- Matching Engine
- Resume Search
Supported languages